Monday, June 25, 2007

Thank you for the music...

A list of fantastic music that I would have never picked up on my own, or which would have meant nothing really… but for a few awesome people and their good taste...

Vienna (Billy Joel) – SS – who I have never met, but who I feel a connection with. On a recent post, sometime there was a mention of it and i downloaded it. And boy am i glad i did (sorry, but yes, i do download music and therefore encourage music piracy, but where else would you get unusual music, otherwise. Without paying a bomb for it and getting along with one good song, 13 others that suck! But i digress...)

Spooky (Dusty Srpingfield) – That Internet girl who flirted with me thinking I were a boy. This is a long and interesting story, one that I look back and marvel at. It will take more than some cajoling to get it out of me though, so don’t try it. An apter song i never heard, for those hopelessly, habitually, obsessive-compulsively fixated with the quintessentially 'bad boys'. From the movie Lock, stock and two smoking barrels.

All of Leonard Cohen – Shamantak, back in ye olde'
Delhi office, on my farewell. So sweet! I lost the little Bengali sonnet that he’d scribbled on the a little paper and stuck it on the CD, but I still have the CD, and I love it. I have tried with little success, to infect other people with the Cohen bug, but it seldom seems to work. The trick is to play it and keep working. For a long time, you won’t recognize any thing in the play list, and it will take time to grow on you. But grow on you it will… I’m quite sure of it.
The best of the lot are Bird on a Wire, Dance me to the end of Love, and Sisters of Mercy

My way (Sinatra) – Fr. Roy, back in college. On a cool, starry night in Khandala, he broke a score hearts as he sat there with a guitar, singing “the record shows, I took the blows and did it myyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” . We all sat there with our chins cupped in our hands, smiling, sighing, wondering how a man so gorgeous with a voice as groovy as his could take to God! Sigh, but such is life. I have lovely picture with him and it still brings a warm glow on my face looking at it. And to think that not only does he not have that pitcure, he probabaly (definitely) does not even faintly remember me! SIGGGHHHHH!!!

This year during my European holiday, this was perhaps my most often heard song. So many street musicians seem to love it. The girl who sat with a guitar and sang this (in Spanish) at Piazza Nuvona in Rome, simply took my breath away. My way, remains my all time favorite.

Time (Pink Floyd) – Anurag, during our brief encounter of three days, which we filled up with laughter and naughty pranks. And then he went and spoiled it all by saying something stupid like “I’m engaged”. Asshole!

The Long and winding road (The Beatles) – Shwital. She gave me this song, without realizing that she did, when she left behind a lovely CD after moving out from out li’ll flat, back in those strange Delhi days (must write about the Strange Delhi Days sometime).
The only other Beatles song that i like that much is Free as a Bird.

Awaking the Centuries (Haggard) – Sid. This, remains my all time favorite in that weird genre of gothic rock. It is noisy but melodious and dark but peppy, and the piano is awesome. Others that come close are In a full-moon procession (Haggard), Imprisoned Sun (Dawn of Dreams), Black Winter Day (Amorphis)

So that's it. Those are a few... am sure there are more. Oh! To be able to sing well!!! I would so so want to be a rock-star in my next incarnation (must write about my strong belief in reincarnation). More than being a tennis star, more than a newsreader, more than a Dolphin-trainer, wanna be a karaoke queen!!

Friday, June 15, 2007


The Happiness Journal has remained with its original identity for all the time that it's existed.. While the other half had much turmoil, identity crisis and transformations. Wonder if that means something

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are powerful, passionate, and dominant.
You have a vision of how things should be, and you do your best to make things happen.
People rely on you for your strength. You are a rock to many.

Underneath it all, you aren't so sure about your passions.
So many ideas spark your interest, it is hard for you to get behind a select few.
However, you see indecision as a sign of weakness. So you pursue your goals full force - no matter how foolish they turn out to be.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


  1. Be a pretty good photographer
  2. Get a 2nd tattoo
  3. Learn a new language
  4. Weigh under 52 kgs for at least while
  5. Act on stage
  6. Get married
  7. Learn some form of martial art for self defence
  8. Make a short film
  9. Take a break from work for a year. Enjoy being a hausfrau
  10. Do cocaine
  11. Go bungee jumping
  12. Go to Vaishno Devi
  13. Run 10k
  14. Make wine at home
  15. Paint a canvas
  16. Visit at least one old school
  17. Donate blood
  18. Turn vegetarian. At least try.
  19. Travel to Ladakh
  20. Do Vipassana
  21. Learn to drape a sari expertly
  22. Write at least 1 short-story/ script
  23. Skinny dip
  24. Learn to whip up a lip-smacking meal in 30 minutes
  25. Spend a new years' night under a starlit sky, very far from civilization
  26. Learn to sail/ windsurf
  27. Get a drastic haircut
  28. Make out in a train/ plane
  29. Watch 200 offbeat/ must-see movies
  30. Have the sexiest 30th birthday party