Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Trivial musings of a creative young homemaker

Hey, if i asked you to name the 1st two names from Hollywood that spring to your mind, who would you name? Not your favourite stars... just 2 names that come to your mind immediately for whatever reasons.
Chances are you’d say Brad Pitt (if you’re a normal woman of any age between 3 and 105), or George Clooney, or maybe if you’re a teeny bopper, Tom Cruise. From the men (i hope there are at least some men who read my blog!) i expect to hear Anjelina Jolie (same logic as Brad Pitt), or maybe Jessica Simpson, Scarlette Johansson, or maybe old-timers like Meg Ryan, Audrey Hepburn etc. Or maybe you’d throw at me some unconventional names. Like for example... Whoopi Goldberg... or Denzel Washington. Or umm...i don’t know...someone more unconventional.
Well, if you asked me, my answer would be Helena Bonham Carter and Edward Norton. And why them? Because, it seems to me that they are the most visible faces in Hollywood-land; the ones who seem to be doing the max number of movies. No, really. How else do you explain the fact that they seem to pop in every 2nd movie i watch these days?

You see, till recently i had no idea who Helena Bonham Carter was; or even that she was an actress. And then, I saw her in, get this, not one, not two, not three but in FOUR movies in quick succession! What kind of a weird coincidence is that?!
It started with Sweeney Todd – a couple of months ago, when Gollums & i went to watch the movie at Prasads. As is his habit, he kept feeding me with bits of interesting info/ trivia about the movie and its cast before and sometimes during the movie. That’s when he told me that the attractive Mrs. Lovette was HBC, who enjoys quite a reputation in the period drama kind of roles.
And as is my habit, i heard all that he told me, without really making a note of it, and naturally forgot everything pretty much as soon as it was told to me.
A few days later Golls decided enough was enough and that it just wasn’t acceptable that i hadn’t seen Fight Club, and sat me down and put on the DVD. And very soon, there she was again... this time as the quirky Marla. “Hey, it’s the same Sweeney Todd girl”, I exclaimed, hoping to impress him with my memory. But of course it takes much more than that to impress G when it comes to movies. Anyway, I decided i quite liked her, but her name still didn’t stick in my head. But hey, i loved the movie! And what an ‘Ohhhh!' moment the movie has... clearly beats The Sixth Sense in that department. Amazing!

Then, another day we were watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (don’t ask why!) and there she was again – this time in a brief and supremely evil role of Bellatrix Lestrange. I decided it was time to memorize her name, seeing that she was perhaps the most popular actress in angrezi fillums!

And then last week this sweet movie called the Wings of the Dove was on TV, and guess who was there! Yes, Helena Bonham Carter, again! In another one of those 19th century England movies. Very nice indeed.
And pretty much the same thing happened with male stars. Edward Norton was just a familiar name, one that i had seen no films of, though . And then suddenly he was everywhere and in all the movies i saw for a while!
First i saw him in The Incredible Hulk, and then in Fight Club, and then in American History X. Liked him in all three, the most of all in AHX. It’s such an amazing, amazing movie!

So there. Now you know the answer you could get if you asked me to name the first two names that spring to my mind. Not George Clooney or Brad Pitt, but Helena Carter and Edward Norton.
Actually, what lies! It would take more than 3 films to replace Brad Pitt from his no. 1 position in my mind. Yup, Edward Norton’s cute, but Brad Pitt rules. No doubt about that! :-D

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